Eureka. A new 1 million Erasmus+ Project has been financed

From January 2021 Elena Ostanel will be involved in another international Project ‘Eureka. European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance’.

Cities across Europe are facing the challenge of regenerating abandoned or decaying, public or private, urban spaces. Public administrations, businesses and non-profit organizations are all engaged with the transformation of these spaces and a professional profile stands out: the Urban Innovator (UI), able to use social innovation tools to develop urban regeneration processes. Urban innovators are in high demand in the job market, however they still lack a clear recognition in terms of professional role and training at EU level.

The 3-years and 1-million Project is a Knowledge Alliance that addresses this need by promoting and formalizing the urban innovator profile for the public and private sector through the creation on a multidisciplinary curriculum, designed by universities, enterprises, public administrations, cooperating jointly.

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