Dissemination to academic and non academic audiences is one of the major responsability of engaged research. Here some conferences I contributed to in Italy, Europe and elswhere.

The urbanization of (IN)Justice: Public spaces in uncertain geographies
The purpose of the conference is to unfold, discuss, rethink and chal-lenge prevailing discourses about “just” or “unjust” processes of urban transformation from the perspective of public space. A critical and constructive debate on the re-search, policy and public agendas about this issue to contribute to the academic and public dis-cussions on the role of public space to achieve “just” cities.
Nicosia, 16th-18th of May, 2018

Feltrinelli Camp. A two-day international workshop for young European researchers in the field of Urban Studies
A two-day workshop in urban studies for researchers and practitioners from all over Europe. Young international scholars have shared their scientific and visionary ideas on the city and the social, economic and environmental transformations of urban contexts in Europe.
Milan, 16-17 February 2018

Cities and self-organization. International conference
A 3-days conference organized in Rome by the Italian Research Network TU – TRACCE URBANE and AESOP TG PS-UC, Thematic Group “Public Space and Urban Cultures”. 3 main sessions have been organized:
1. Historical and cultural roots/rooting (as praxix) of self-organization in the city
2. Searching for an “enabling” space. Dialogues and bridges between institutions and self-organization practices for a collaborative territorial planning and management
3. Powers and terrains of ambiguity in the field of urban self-organization today
Rome, 11-13 December 2017

Policy Workshop on Neighbourhood Change, IMISCOE Conference Migration, Diversity and Cities
A policy workshop within the IMISCOE Annual Conference in Rotterdam discussing the need of a more socially oriented neighbourhood development policy approach in hyperdiverse local societies. The policy workshop, with the contribution of scholars coming from different backgrounds (urban planning, political science, sociology and social work, geography), policy makers and NGOs representatives, was aimed at critically discuss whether and how community-based initiatives inspired by an innovative social approach can intervene on increasing socio-spatial inequalities in hyperdiverse neighbouhoods.
Rotterdam, 28-30 June 2017

Reframing Urban cohesion in European cities: the diversity advantage
With the participation of representatives of international organizations as well as of public officers from 5 ‘virtuous’ european cities, the Conference has discussed on urban policies to mainstream the diversity advantage and urban good practices promoting migrants’ engagement in policy-making.
Venice, 6-8 June 2017

MasterClass “In/out : designing urban inclusion
A two-week process of pedagogical and scientific experimentation, including fieldwork, workshops as well as three public events: evening lectures and a conference day. Accessibility, equity, freedom, comfort, protection: these are some of interrelated dimensions that make the hospitality of urban spaces and that need to be taken into account in the design practice.
Brussels, 23 January-3 February, 2017

City Portraits Johannesburg
The conference has explored possible trends of contemporary urban transformations, from the “city-into-being” par excellence. What was supposed to be one of the beating hearts of the post-apartheid “rainbow nation”, appears today as a “divided city”, hit by a substantial neoliberal urban development that poses major challenges to old and new issues: on one hand, the fight against xenophobia, urban violence, crime, poverty, socio-spatial segregation, abandonment and illegal reuse of large parts of the urban structure; on the other hand, the challenges that emerge from the inhabitants who claim their ‘right to the city’, collecting, channelling and harnessing the evident vitality and creativity expressed by different sectors of a multi-ethnic society.
Venice, 25-26 June 2015

The Intercultural City: Exploring an Elusive Idea
The international conference intended to assess, from different scientific backgrounds and diverse geographical contexts, the theoretical and policy potential that the notion of the ‘intercultural city’ offers within the context of the contemporary globalized city. In an increasingly complex urban society, however, creation of the intercultural city is extremely difficult, more-so than ever where new localisms emerge within the domestic community in response to the dividing drive of globalization, while migrants maintain strong ties with their places of origin, thus fostering only a limited sense of belonging within their places of destination.
Venice, 29-30 November 2012