Elena Ostanel
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow 

PhD in Urban Planning, I’m now running a Marie Sklodowska-Curie research project at Iuav University of Venice in partnership with University of Toronto and TUDelft. At Iuav I’m based at the Department of Architecture and Arts, where she collaborates with the UNESCO Chair on Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants. I teach courses in community planning and innovation in local governments at the Master Course U-Rise, Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation.

I’ m the CEO of EST/CO+, a University Spin-Off dedicated to urban regeneration and social innovation.

Among my publications: E. Ostanel, (In)visibilising Vulnerable Community Members: Processes of Urban Inclusion and Exclusion in Parkdale, Toronto, forthcoming in Space and Culture; E. Ostanel, Can social innovation transform local governments? The experience of Naples in Social movements and public policies in Southern European cities by Laura Fregolent and O. Nel·lo, Springer.

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2012: PhD in Regional Planning and Public Policy, University Iuav of Venice

2008: Master’s Degree in International Cooperation and Development, University of Bologna

2005: Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Human Rights, University of Padua


Since 2015: Professor. URISE Master- Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation, University Iuav of Venice

2013-2017: Teaching staff member. Master in Intercultural Studies, University of Padua

2015-2017: Visiting Professor. “City and Immigration” and “Globalization, Ethics Welfare and Human Rights. City, Difference and Immigration” courses, VIU-Venice International University


2018: Visiting Fellow. Deprivedhood ERC Project, TUDelft, The Netherlands

2017: Marie Curie Fellow. Neighbourhood Change Research Parttnership, University of Toronto, Canada

2014: Marie Curie Fellow. Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Mexico City, Mexico

2011-2012: Research Fellow. Oecumene Project. Citizenship After Orientalism, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

2011: Visiting Researcher. Centre for the Sociology of Innovation, Mines Paris Tech, Paris, France

2009: Visiting Researcher. University of Witwatersrand, African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS), Johannesburg, South Africa

Research Experiences

Since 2008: Research Fellow. SSIIM Unesco Chair- Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants. Policies and Practices, University Iuav of Venice

2012-2014: Research Fellow. Small-size cities and social cohesion: policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of international migrants, Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research, University Iuav of Venice

2011-2012: Research Fellow. Mediare.com. Percorsi di comunità attraverso la mediazione”, EIF-European Integration Fund, Municipality of Venice, University Iuav of Venice

2008-2010: Research Assistant. Beyond Via Anelli, towards another residential strategy for migrants in the city of Padua, Municipality of Padua, University of Padua


Member of SSIIM Unesco Chair research group See website

Member of AESOP Public Space and Urban Cultures Research Group See website

Member of the National Group on Urban Policies Urban@IT  See website

Member of the Board of Directors. Tracce Urbane. Italian Journal of Urban Studies See website

Member of RE-LAB Research Group See website


Other Projects