Category / Project Updates

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  • Closing Conference: Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning

    After 3 years, the NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project has come to an end. The closing conference ‘Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning’ is aimed at discussing the main research findings with…

  • A new book chapter on institutional learning

    A new publication is now available. A book chapter ‘Can social innovation transform local governments? The experience of Naples’ in the Book ‘Social movements and public policies in Southern European…

  • New book chapter in Open Access

    The new chapter ‘Community-based responses to exclusionary processes of neighbourhood change in Parkdale, Toronto’ is now Open Access. Published in the book edited by Susan Moore, Nicola Livingstone, Susannah Bunce…

  • Open seminars in the Community Planning Course

    In the framework of the Community Planning Course by Elena Ostanel, a set of open seminars are organized. These seminars are streamed on line or accessible on Teams Platform to…

  • Elena Ostanel has been awarded the ALDA Martini Scholarship

    The NEIGBOURCHANGE Project has been awareded the Scholarship Martini of ALDA- The European Association of Local Democracy Agencies. Despite a general increase in well-being, social inequalities have increased significantly in…

  • My interview for Rai Television

    After my participation to Biennale Democrazia, a major international conference on democracy in Italy, RAI Television has released an interview where I present my book ‘Spazi Fuori dal Comune. Rigenerare,…

  • The Annual AESOP Conference at Iuav of Venice

    Contemporary cities and territories face significant challenges – natural disasters due to climate change impacts, ecological crises, growing socio-economic unrest, global migration, political rifts including a rise of right wing…

  • A new book chapter is free for Open Access

    The aim of this work is to explore applications of the intercultural and multicultural paradigms to urban fabrics. My intention is to contribute to the ongoing academic debate, taking into…

  • A new publication discussing ‘Self-organization practices in cities’

    As a result of the Conference Cities and Self-organization (Rome, 11-13 December 2018) a new publication has been released. With the colleague Giovanni Attili, I’ve worked at the introduction of the…

  • Parkdale case study in Toronto. A little bit of context.

    The City of Toronto is experiencing strong dynamics of socio-spatial polarization. Toronto sees the level of income segregation rise at a more rapid rate than elsewhere in Canada (Walks et…