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©Celeste Krol

Eureka. A new 1 million Erasmus+ Project has been financed

From January 2021 Elena Ostanel will be involved in another international Project ‘Eureka. European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance’. Cities across Europe are facing the challenge of regenerating abandoned or decaying, public…

making room

Closing Conference: Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning

After 3 years, the NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project has come to an end. The closing conference ‘Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning’ is aimed at discussing the main research findings with…


A new book chapter on institutional learning

A new publication is now available. A book chapter ‘Can social innovation transform local governments? The experience of Naples’ in the Book ‘Social movements and public policies in Southern European…

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-02 at 16.22.36

New book chapter in Open Access

The new chapter ‘Community-based responses to exclusionary processes of neighbourhood change in Parkdale, Toronto’ is now Open Access. Published in the book edited by Susan Moore, Nicola Livingstone, Susannah Bunce…

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Three Columns & Image on Top

©Celeste Krol

Eureka. A new 1 million Erasmus+ Project has been financed

From January 2021 Elena Ostanel will be involved in another international Project ‘Eureka. European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance’. Cities across Europe are facing the challenge of regenerating abandoned or decaying, public…

making room

Closing Conference: Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning

After 3 years, the NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project has come to an end. The closing conference ‘Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning’ is aimed at discussing the main research findings with…


A new book chapter on institutional learning

A new publication is now available. A book chapter ‘Can social innovation transform local governments? The experience of Naples’ in the Book ‘Social movements and public policies in Southern European…

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Two Columns & Image on Top + Post Date

Eureka. A new 1 million Erasmus+ Project has been financed

From January 2021 Elena Ostanel will be involved in another international Project ‘Eureka. European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance’. Cities across Europe are facing the challenge of regenerating abandoned or decaying, public…

Closing Conference: Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning

After 3 years, the NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project has come to an end. The closing conference ‘Making Room. Social Innovation in Urban Planning’ is aimed at discussing the main research findings with…

One Column & Image on Top + Post Date + Link Button

Eureka. A new 1 million Erasmus+ Project has been financed

From January 2021 Elena Ostanel will be involved in another international Project ‘Eureka. European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance’. Cities across Europe are facing the challenge of regenerating abandoned or decaying, public…

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Vimeo Post

Breakfast agreeable incommode departure it an. By ignorant at on wondered relation. Enough at tastes really so cousin am of. Extensive therefore supported by extremity of contented. Is pursuit compact…


A new publication discussing ‘Self-organization practices in cities’

As a result of the Conference Cities and Self-organization (Rome, 11-13 December 2018) a new publication has been released. With the colleague Giovanni Attili, I’ve worked at the introduction of the…

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Masonry Blog Posts

Can Institutions Learn? A Policy seminar in Venice. Sign up here.

20th of June, Venice, Italy, Palazzo Badoer You are invited to register below. To guartantee a fruitfull discussion only 40 seats are available. The event is free. Can institutions learn?…

A new book chapter is free for Open Access

The aim of this work is to explore applications of the intercultural and multicultural paradigms to urban fabrics. My intention is to contribute to the ongoing academic debate, taking into…

Policy workshop report now available

The report of the Policy Workshop Can institutions learn? Scaling-up innovation in urban regeneration settings. Barcelona, Bologna and Naples is now available at this link.   Policy workshop report   The…

Self Hosted Video

By an outlived insisted procured improved am. Paid hill fine ten now love even leaf. Supplied feelings mr of dissuade recurred no it offering honoured. Am of of in collecting…

Visiting Professor at VIU- Venice International University

Since 2015 I’ve been Visiting Professor at VIU for the course City and Immigration within the Globalization Programme. Venice International University is something unique in the academic world –  a…

Participate Chicago

From September 22nd to September 26th NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project will be in Chicago, University of Illinois, to attend to Participate!, an international conference on socio-spatial concepts in interdisciplinary approaches to planning, on…

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